The TUGAL CRT-20 projector is a device used to display hymn texts and pastoral messages. It is better and simpler to use than traditional slide projectors.
The projector's memory can store 120,000 traditional slide frames and quickly display each of them on the LED board. The projector works anywhere in the church.
The projector does not need to detect the LED board and does not need to be plugged in, as it has a rechargeable battery. It is so small that it can lie next to the notes. It transmits text by radio.
Texts are entered into the projector using the included USB keyboard. You can also prepare the texts on your computer and upload them to the projector's memory via RS232 cable.
The lyrics of the most famous songs are already uploaded. The LED board has a built-in memory, so it can display the entered information for a long time without an overhead projector.
LED boards can also be movable - controlled from the projector, they swing away from the wall and return to their place.
Download: Instruction | Program | List of song numbers (Polish language)
TUGAL CRT-20 LED board